Mr Simon Lean-Massey & Ms Brigit McCormack — Jun 19, 2018

Busy, busy, busy! A BIG week of science, music, and design

This fortnight, many children have been preparing studiously for their music competitions and the upcoming performances at The Piano. Some have been having a trial run by performing for us at assembly - good luck everybody!

We have also had a big week in science and technology, measuring pressure, making light bulbs, and competing. Eight teams represented Cathedral Grammar in the heats of the EPro8 competition held at Linwood College. This was a new experience for us, and it is exciting that two of our year 5/6 teams, The Golden Tigers and Team Yes, made it through to the semi-finals, which are taking place next week on Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 June. Well done to all who competed, and thanks to parents who assisted with transport and support. Teams were set a variety of construction challenges incorporating structural design and electronics. Some of the challenges our teams worked on included solar powered alarms clocks, weather-proof dog shelter platforms, and fire trucks equipped with motorised ladders. It was a frenetic two and a half hours of competition, and all were suitably exhausted.  

Year 4 have been practising at Clip'n'Climb in anticipation of tackling the climbing wall at the YMCA Adventure Centre where they will be learning to belay and "top rope". We look forward to seeing the pictures next week. Years 4 and 5 have been swimming at Jellie Park and are tackling water safety tomorrow. Year 6 are currently working with Cycle Safety to learn how to dodge raindrops - children report that a highlight was being tailed by a family of ducks as they cycled through the park. All have enjoyed it and had a really positive experience.

Many thanks to the parents who put so much time into organising the disco this week - a noisy, but colourful occasion that was well attended and enjoyed.