Ms Libby Avery — Aug 14, 2018

The Cathedral Grammar Pre-School will help your child develop into a positive, confident and capable individual, and form a strong foundation for later learning.

Your child will learn how to:

The Cathedral Grammar Pre-School implements Te Whariki - The Early Childhood Curriculum. 

Te Whāriki links with the New Zealand Curriculum so that children are better supported as they transition from Pre-School through to the Junior School.

Te Whāriki interprets curriculum broadly, taking it to include all the experiences, activities and events, both direct and indirect that occur within our Pre School.  It provides a framework of principles, strands, goals and learning outcomes that prioritises the mana of the child and emphasises respectful, reciprocal and responsive relationships. This  provides a basis for our Pre School to ‘weave’ a local curriculum that reflects its our distinctive character and values.

If you would like to increase your days or you have a nearly three year old you would like to enrol, please see Miss Libby.  We have a waiting list forming for some of our days.

This week at Pre-School,  we welcomed Edward to join the team.  Pre-School has a busy term planned with trips to Bunnings to get our summer garden planted, our weekly gymnastic trip and the usually great activities implemented.  We are looking forward to summer to set up the famous water park in the playground - roll on summer.