Mrs Nicky Oram — Mar 6, 2018

The Association of Friends of the Cathedral Grammar School Incorporated (the Friends’ Association) Notice of Annual General Meeting and Election.

The Friends' Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) and election of officers and committee members will be held on Monday, 26 March at 7.30pm in the school staff room. Drinks will be held at 7.00pm prior to the meeting.

The following Friends' Association officers and committee members intend to stand for re-election:

Treasurer:  Diana Wylie
Committee Members:  Libby Avery; Natalie Sneddon

There are vacancies for the following officer positions:

There are approximately 5 positions available on the committee for new members.

Nominations are called for the aforementioned positions. Nominations are required to be in writing and received by the Secretary no later than 5.00pm on Monday 19 March 2018.

Please follow this link to obtain a Nomination Form.

Should you be interested in applying for any of the positions available, please submit your duly completed nomination form to the school office marked for the attention of Nicky Oram no later than the designated time and date.

Please note that the form requires potential members be nominated and seconded. This can be done by any current school parent.