Celebration of Maths
In the Principal's Assembly on Tuesday last week the achievements of some of our top mathematicians were recognized.
Mr Thelning handed out certificates to pupils who achieved Merit and above in two competitions, The Otago Problem-Challenge and The Australian Mathematics Trust Competition.
In all, there were 20 Merits, 26 Excellence and a special certificate for a Perfect Score in the Otago Probem-Solving Challenge. There was similar success in the Australian Mathematics Trust with 14 Distinctions and 24 Credits.
Katy Buttle 8G was awarded a book token of $25.00 for her Perfect Score in the Otago-Problem Solving Challenge and Sea-am Thompson 6B was presented with a Commemmorative Certficate at the New Zealand Maths Conference held in Christchurch over the holidays for achieving the highest score in the school.
We congratulate all the participants in the competitions and celebrate the success of some outstanding results for our school.