Hero photograph

Nga mihi maioha ki a koe...

Mrs Lyndell Turner —

Warm greetings to you all. At Preschool, Kaiako continue to foster a creative learning environment for children. Using a range of loose parts, children have opportunities to develop an understanding of their past experiences. They learn to transfer that knowledge through play into realistic and complex representations. This is done through what we call their 'funds of knowledge'.

A great example of this in action was the amazing creation Sofia spent significant time on recently. "It's a waterslide like the ones we have outside when it's been hot". "It has a ladder so me and my family can climb up it". If you take a closer look at her work, you can see the complex details of her waterslide. This reminds us just how clever and capable young children are. Kia mau ki nga mahi toi ~ hold steadfast to creativity. 

The butterflies have grown and flown, however, the interest has now extended to the children wanting to make a butterfly house at Preschool. Their ideas are amazing and include thoughts of a doorbell, window and even an alarm clock for the butterflies. Sometimes you just have to love the thinking and reasoning of a four year old.

Preparation is now in place with planning to relocate our bug house and also repurpose our wooden hammer structure (with additions of course). So watch this space as the butterfly project continues.

A special thanks to 'The Friends of the Preschool' who organised a lovely coffee morning on Ash Wednesday. We had a great turnout and a chance to connect over coffee and conversation. We will all be looking forward to the next one. 

nga mihi nui ~ Lyndell