Mr Scott Thelning — Jun 5, 2018

Tena koutou ki te whanau o te Cathedral Grammar School

As a step towards achieving our 10 year aspirations and 2020 goals (see GrammarNet to refresh your memory), we set four goals for May 2018. These were centred around new facilities, a new marketing programme, an updated curriculum model/framework and having our stakeholders understanding and aligning to our journey towards our goals. 

We have made very positive progress and wish to share this with you via a number of forums. We recognise that there is further ongoing engagement required with you in order to be able to measure our goal related to your understanding and alignment. We will conduct a survey with you through this process to ascertain our progress with this particular goal. We have decided to hold smaller forums based on parental feedback and encourage you to participate in this process. We value your feedback and wish to ensure we are a strongly connected community who understands where we are heading and why.

The forums planned are outlined below. We have booked in various times when these will be held. The scheduling of these forums will depend on the number of RSVPs per timeslot. Invitations to forums will be emailed prior to the event. I hope to see you at these forums.

Term 2:

1. Internal Open Day, Wednesday 20 June (8.30am - 10.30am)
A chance for extended family to view our school in action and for Junior School parents to get a fabulous insight to what happens in our Prep School. A more detail programme will be emailed out next week.

2. Discussing Our Draft Curriculum Document – Stage 1: Introduction, Principles, Values, Beliefs, Special Character, What Makes Us Special
A copy of the draft document will be emailed to parents before these forums.
Curriculum Forums:

3. Discussing Updated E Learning Policies
Copies of the updated policies will be sent out to parents before these forums.

Updated E Learning Policies Forums:

Term 3:

1. New Boys' School Building (These dates are 'penciled in' and are subject to change due to appropriate information being available)

Update On New Boys’ School Building

2. E Learning - Parent Education 

E Learning – Parent Education Forum

A survey will be sent home for parents to fill out outlining what they would like to be covered in the E Learning forum.

3. Well Being Forum - Friday 7 September (8.45am - 9.30am)

4. Discussing Our Draft Curriculum Document – Stage 2: Learner Profiles, Years 3, 6 and 8, Curriculum Area Outlines

In addition to our plans, a survey will be sent home for parents to fill out outlining what they would like to be covered in these forums.

Curriculum Forums

Nga mihi

Scott Thelning