Busy, busy, busy
There is so much going on at the moment in the Boys' School
It is invigorating to see the amazing productivity around the School at the moment. And, that's not just the students and teachers! Many of you will have noticed how quickly our new Boys' School classroom block is taking shape. The builders report being ahead of schedule, which (touch wood) is encouraging progress indeed - very exciting.
We are now into full swing with our Friday electives, née Hour of Power. We have children working to understand how computers work by using physical models and group activities. Others are collaborating to prepare dramatic productions, analysing and reimagining sports, solving magnetic mazes, learning about the various cultures comprising our school community, or designing t-shirts or products for 3D printing. It is great to see children coming back to class, enthusiastically sharing their experiences. It is also lovely to see how our vertical groupings are fostering interaction between children across a range of ages and stages.
The boys are well into their science programmes. In class, our senior scientists are learning about ecology: the how and why of classification, food chains, and ecological systems. They are also studying biomes, competition, and adaptation, using New Zealand forests as a relevant context. Year 6 scientists have been learning how nuclear fusion powers stars, about gravity, orbits, and sub-atomic particles. Year 5's have been exploring Antarctica, and our Year 4's have been working on Newton's laws of motion.