Hero photograph
Photo by Simon Lean-Massey

Girls' & Boys' Prep School

Mr Simon Lean-Massey —

News from Y7 & 8 Classes

The very small and the very large!

Over the past couple of weeks, some of our science classes have been getting to know and understand microscopes, looking at bits of the world around us up close. This tied in nicely with our Y7 examination of leaves as part of photosynthesis. We began with leaves, but then moved on to look at mold, mushrooms, blood, sugar, astroturf, eraser shavings, petals,... Fortunately, the Canterbury Museum currently have a  display on point, which ties nicely into our 7B and 7G  biology and 8B global warming discussions. 7G explored the exhibit for an hour this morning (Wednesday 4 April), and 7B will make it along tomorrow. The exhibition covers a range of solar subject matter from solar energy to phytoplankton to the electromagnetic spectrum and its travel through space. This is just next to the Paua House exhibit if you are looking for a hands-on, informative outing. 

Now that our Xtend Sport Programme has wound down for the term, we are well into sports trials for Terms II and III; many teams will be running their final trials this week. Here's to a competitive winter!

While not strictly a Y7&8 only affair, it was great to see our Xtend dance crew performing for us in this afternoon's assembly. Well done to the girls, boys, and teachers who pulled this humorous performance together in such a short time.

As part of their Mitre programme, our Y7s have been out and about, busily surveying people's views on the essential elements of leadership. We look forward to sharing the results of their work with you early next term.