Mr Simon Lean-Massey — Aug 14, 2018

As usual, we have been busy over the last couple of weeks. Our preparation for Madagascar is going extremely well, and the children have soaked up a lot of dance moves and lyrics over the first part of the term. Sets are coming together, choreography is becoming more internalised, and the singing is impressive indeed.

A big thank you to those families who helped us host St Mark's from Wellington. The staff and children mentioned how at home they felt both at School and with their billet hosts, and this is a credit to the feeling that the whole community created. We look forward to going to Wellington for a reciprocal visit.

You may have noticed the rather large (to scale) dinosaurs stalking the asphalt over the last week. You can see a couple of colourful pictures below of the Year 4 classes' work - a great way of getting things in perspective. Lovely maths work, Year 4.

The Year 7 & 8 girls are currently visiting Craighead, and we also have a team competing against Waihi, so our South Canterbury connections are being maintained. 

In science, the seniors are studying chemistry: mixtures, compounds, and the development of the scientific process. You will find some pictures of our in-class activities below.