Mrs Teresa Kundycki-Carrell — May 21, 2018

Kia ora Koutou. Ko Teresa Kundycki-Carrell toku ingoa.

I joined Cathedral Grammar School at the beginning of Term 2 and am loving being part of such a great team. Thank you for your welcome.

Each week we have five Chapel Services, Monday – whole school, Wednesday – Junior School, Thursday and Friday – Prep School, and Thursday – Pre School. Chapel starts at 8:35am (except for Pre-School) and is finished by 9am. Students take an active part in each service. We would also love to have parents and family members join us.

The focus of our Monday Chapel Services is the Virtue of the Week – ask your child for some ways they can show the virtue.

Week 4’s Virtue is Justice – Mahi tika – everyone getting their fair share, being treated fairly and standing up for the rights of others and ourselves.

Week 5’s Virtue is Kindness – Atawhai – being concerned about the wellbeing of others and showing care for everyone.

Please come and join us for a chapel service. I am also available for a chat or a coffee. I can be contacted on

A little about me: I was born in Wellington, last century, and grew up in Nelson. After finishing school I trained as a Registered Nurse and worked in Wellington Hospital and Christchurch Hospital. In 2005, I trained as a Primary School Teacher and have taught in Nelson and Christchurch. I also have experience in leading liturgies and worship, teaching Religious Education and pastoral care.
I am married to Peter and we have 4 adult children, 3 live in NZ and 1 lives in Canada.