Mrs Teresa Kundycki-Carrell — Nov 20, 2018

Advent - the season of waiting

Kia ora Koutou

The year is rapidly coming to an end, with many 'end of year' activities and celebrations. 

The Liturgical (Church) year begins on Sunday 2 December with the season of Advent.  Advent is a time of waiting and getting ready for the birth of our Saviour,  Jesus.

Advent is a busy time as we count down to Christmas, attend end of year concerts and prize givings, buy presents, and prepare for holidays.

Many children enjoy using an Advent calendar to count down the days until Christmas. Of course, the lure of the treat behind each 'door' on the calendar adds to the excitement of counting down. 

The Church also counts down to Jesus' birthday, using an Advent wreath.

 An Advent wreath is made with a circle of evergreen leaves, symbolising the love of God, which has no beginning and no end. Green is the colour of hope and this reminds us that we live in hope that we will be with God forever. Purple ribbon reminds us to turn back to living in love and kindness. The three purple candles and one rose candles represent hope, peace, joy and love. Each Sunday in Advent a new candle is lit: 

1. purple for hope

2. purple for peace

3. rose for joy

4. purple for love

A prayer is said asking God to help us get ready for His Son's birth and to guide our lives. On Christmas day,  a white candle is placed in the centre of the wreath and lit for the light of Christ.

During Advent,  it is important that we each take time to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Messiah. I challenge you to set aside time each day to be still, to be quiet and  to think about all the good things in your lives and be thankful. 

Please add these dates to your diary:

Sunday 9 December 10am - the Junior School will be presenting a Nativity Play at the Transitional Cathedral

Monday 10 December 6:30pm - Whole School Nine Lessons and Carol Service at the Transitional Cathedral.

Thursday 13 December 12pm - Leavers' and End of Year Service at the Transitional Cathedral.

If you have any questions or concerns or would just like to chat please contact me on

Manaaki te Atua ki a koutou - May God bless you

Teresa Kundycki-Carrell