Hero photograph

Girls' School

Brigit McCormack —

It has been a busy few weeks in the Girls' School with lots to share and celebrate.

Our Y7s in particular have had a busy time showcasing their Wearable Art costumes, first at the Showquest Toi at the James Hay Theatre last Monday evening and then a couple of shows for the school community this week. They have been commended for the quality of their performances, their art, and their behaviour. They have represented the school admirably and even picked up some awards! We thank the parents who have supported the students during the Wearable Arts unit of work.

The Enrichment programme is in full swing, and we have been enjoying hearing some of the work that has been going on in the classes. It is great to see Eva, Frances, and Charlotte from 5G have their work published as part of the Roving Reporters group in this publication. Some of the girls in Y7 and 8G have had the opportunity, to learn skills in debating, and in 4G, they have been studying philosophy. 

The Y7 and 8 Technology programme started the second of its rotation with students going to Ara for food technology and options of digital art, Epro-8 engineering, and soft textiles at school. Hopefully, the students are transferring new skills learned at school and helping out at home.

Term 2 is always a busy time for sport, and we look forward to the Primary School Competition starting this week in netball, hockey, rugby, football, and table tennis. Practices start this week; please ensure your daughter has the correct gear with her. The Girls' School teaching team was very impressed with the performance and attitude of all runners at the school's cross-country event. We have a strong team representing Grammar at the Independent Zones next week at Roto Kohatu Reserve, and we wish all our girls well in their preparation for this event. 

Best wishes to Faye in 8G, who travels to Singapore this week to represent New Zealand in the rhythmic gymnastics 13–16 age group team. We look forward to hearing all about it upon her return. Go well, Faye; we are proud of you!

A reminder that as we enter the colder months, colds, flus, and other respiratory illnesses are more common. The girls may be indoors more often, allowing viruses to spread more easily. If your daughter feels unwell, please keep her at home. 

We have mid-year assessments taking place for our Y7 and 8's over the next couple of weeks, and then all students will be preparing for the speech and music competitions. If you feel that your daughter is finding it difficult to manage her time and commitments, please encourage her to talk to her homeroom teacher, who will be able to offer some strategies and support. We value and encourage our girls to find their voice and seek solutions in their learning and organisation.

Thank you for your support so far this term. It's been a great start, with plenty more to look forward to over the next few weeks.

The Girls' School team