Mrs Simone Whalley — Mar 6, 2018

Bucket Fillers in the Junior School

The Junior School have a particular focus this term on 'friendships'. What makes a good friend is a timely topic as the children move into their new classes, re-establish existing friendships as well as forming new ones. An excellent book is being used by teachers as a valuable resource for this topic. It is called 'Have You Filled a Bucket Today?' This book is about all people having invisible buckets that need to be filled with happy thoughts and feelings. It also talks about bucket dippers - people who dip into people's buckets with mean words and actions. It is a book I strongly recommend for anyone's bookshelf at home and can be purchased at any bookshop.


Junior School Sport:

After School Sport started with a hiss and a roar in Week III. This term we have cricket and tennis coaching as well as Kelly Sports. We have been lucky with the weather so far, apart from one rainy Tuesday when tennis was cancelled. Cricket and Kelly Sports take place in the Specialist Block hall if it is wet. We have been really lucky with our coaches, they are extremely good and the children are really enjoying the sessions. There are some amazing bowling, backhands and ball skills that are developing.

Next term it looks as if we will have football and yoga on a Monday, hockey on Tuesday and Kelly Sports on Wednesday. More information about sports and clubs will come out in the last week of this term.