Mr Scott Thelning — Dec 13, 2017

The last Grammar Notes for the year! While this is a busy time of year, I must say, I do love it. Lots of fun activities, celebrating and reminiscing, Nativity plays, Carol services, the Leavers’ Service and our Prize Giving. Thank you for your attendance at the wonderful Carol Service on Monday night, and all of the many events on this week! It is wonderful to be able to gather together as a whole school, made even more special by being in our lovely ChristChurch Cathedral. I very much enjoyed the service, especially the parts that involved our pupils performing. Simply stunning.

Today at our Summer Sports' and Cultural Awards' Assembly, we announced the pupil leadership roles for 2018. The full list is within this edition of Grammar Notes and they will also be shared at the Prize Giving. As is always the case with announcements such as these, there will be jubilation and disappointment. We are blessed to have many pupils at Grammar who display wonderful leadership skills, qualities and dispositions, but the reality of these situations is that some of them are going to miss out. This never feels nice; however, in my opinion it is a part of life and something to always be working towards handling in the very best possible way. I believe that we are defined as a person by how we deal and handle disappointment, more so than by what we have or get. There are a group of people charged with making the decisions with the information at hand, and I have witnessed a thorough and robust process among the staff, which included gathering pupil voice. As parents, we all have our views on who should and should not get these roles and, of course, want the best for our children. I thank you in anticipation for your positive support of the school and the decisions it has made.

We are, at various times this week, thanking and saying farewell to the staff who will not be returning in 2018. These people have contributed significantly to our school and have given their heart and soul to our pupils, your children,  and our community. It has been wonderful to hear their reflections and the plaudits they so very much deserve.  We will also acknowledge them together as a school community on Friday.

As you will see from the 2018 Staffing Booklet shared last week, we are looking forward to warmly welcoming the following new staff members:
Ms Georgia Ashworth - 4G

Mr Richard Larsen - 6G

Ms Hannah Folster - 5B

Those of you who have one of the above as your child's teacher will, prior to Christmas, receive a letter from them introducing themselves to you and provide some background as to who they are and what they bring to our school. 

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a restful summer break.

Scott Thelning