Junior School
Community Helpers visit the Junior School
St. John visit
The Junior School were lucky enough to have Kristie Ferguson visit us to talk about her role at St John, as part of our look at people in the community who help us. Kristie thrilled us all by showing us through her ambulance and Mr Cording got to test drive the very flash stretcher. Thank you Kristie for such a fun visit!
Aquagym Swimming programme
Our swimming programme at Aquagym has been running very smoothly with the children gaining independence in changing and keeping their belongings under control, as well as developing swimming skills. It always amazes me how well the children progress over this time. A two week block of swimming is certainly beneficial when maximising progressive learning.
Hour of Power
During the second half of the term, the Year 3 children have been joining the Year 4,5 and 6 children on a Friday for the ‘Hour of Power’. This involved the children choosing from a range of exciting options that included robotics, coding, mini-city building, art and craft, electronic music making, French and STEAM (Science and technology challenges). The programme runs in blocks over the year and has been a huge success. Your children will have told you what they are doing and hopefully, how exciting it is to be in the Preparatory School with other teachers and older children. We will finish this block next term and then the children will be given the opportunity to choose something else next time. This is a wonderful chance to familiarise our Year 3 children with the Preparatory School and to learn some exciting new skills.
Clubs and Sports
A survey will be sent out to Junior School parent this week, offering options within our normal after school Clubs and Sports programme for Term 2. This is the first time we will administer it digitally and we hope that will help make it easier for you to respond. We are excited to be adding Highland Dance to our options for Clubs and Hockey skills for sport. The other sport options are Football and Kelly Sports winter programme. In clubs, Drama with Mrs. Glossop and Karate as well. Full details will be in the form that will be shared with you.
Gumboot Day on Friday
National Gumboot day is occurring on this Friday5 April, in support of organisations providing support for children with depression and mental illness. We would love the children to take part in this but ask you to also send along shoes for the children to wear inside the classrooms and to wear to and from swimming. My gumboots certainly aren’t suitable for inside wear but I shall leave them at the door and pop my shoes on in the classroom. This is a gold coin donation. We do appreciate your generosity! There are so many good causes to donate to!
Change of uniform for Term 2
Just a wee reminder that next term we change into the winter uniform. The school uniform shop is open over the holidays - the hours are included in this Grammar Notes.
No Junior Assembly
A reminder that there is no Junior School assembly this Friday. We felt an incredibly busy fortnight of doing the basics in our classrooms left little room for anyone to prepare and share learning.
Finally, the Junior School team wish you a safe and restful time with your children at home.