Hero photograph
Photo by Libby Avery

Kids Challenge 2018 Multi sport event

Ms Libby Avery —

Three teams of Cathedral Grammar pupils took part in the first ever Kids Challenge held at Lake Roto Kohatu on Sunday.

Team Rockets - Freddy and Mia (Y4); Boys Club - Carter and Oscar (Y2) and Team We're Gunna Get Yer - Nicole and Caitlin (Y8).

The event was described as a children's Spring Challenge or Godzone event.  It was a wonderful treasure hunt with lots of activities to challenge the children and take them out of their comfort zone.

The teams had to kayak, rogaine (orienteering), bike and go tubing.  The children simply had a blast and worked collaboratively with their team as they had to stay within 3 metres of each other at all times.

Grant (Carter's Dad) seemed to draw the short straw with the Boys Club team as he was running everywhere with the boys.  Freddy and Mia were the only boy/girl team and together they  crossed the line with the biggest smiles and sense of pride.   Caitlin and Nicole tried to stay the driest team but in the end the tubing got the better of them.

Look out 2019 - Cathedral Grammar will be sending teams.