Mrs Simone Whalley — Jun 16, 2018

Positive Community Spirit added to the success of the Junior School's Mid-Winter Christmas Grotto.

The Junior School would like to thank everyone who supported their Mid-Winter Christmas Grotto last Thursday. It was a wonderful success and it was amazing to see our Junior School community coming together for such a good cause. In the end we raised $2861.00! 🌟👏

This money will go towards the 'Goodnight, Sleep Tight' charity and Ronald McDonald House. A special assembly will be held at the beginning of next term to hand over the money to both worthy organisations. More information will be given closer to the time.

'Goodnight Sleep Tight' is a charity that ensures all children in the greater Christchurch go to sleep feeling warm. They make up and provide bedtime packages for the children of families in need. This includes blankets and pyjamas.