Glenn Davis — Feb 26, 2020

Congratulations to all the teams and students on their achievements.


Our Maadi 8+ from 2019 has been shortlisted as a finalists for the Lincoln University Outstanding Junior Team of the Year 2020 at the ORIX NZ Canterbury Sports Awards 2020. The awards were to be held at the Air Force Museum of NZ in Wigram on the 3rd of April 2020 (sadly due to COVID-19 this event is cancelled).

Auckland Grammar Exchange Results

Some mixed results in our annual exchange with Auckland Grammar School over the last three days.

1st XI Cricket - an outstanding result against the previously unbeaten AGS. 1st innings CBHS all out for 281 and AGS all out for 32 in reply (Ollie Curtis 6 - 18 and Gus Sidey 3 - 9) AGS asked to follow on and ended all out for 233 (Stan Ashwin 4 - 56). A great win by an innings and 16 runs.

Golf A - after trailing 5 matches to 3 after rounds played at MacLeans Island Golf Course on Monday the golf team halved their matches 4 - 4 at Russley Golf Club today. Some tight matches that could have gone either way but ending in a close 9 - 7 loss to the AGS golf team

Tennis A - not the outcome that the tennis boys wanted today after a close overnight score of 7 - 5 to AGS in the Monday singles and doubles. In the reverse singles and doubles today to boys failed to secure a match going down 15 - 5 in the tie.

An exchange result to AGS 2 -1. 


During the weekend of 1st March our school team travelled by coach with Rob Smith to Timaru. Ben Smith, Edward Parkes, Connor Wilson, Rommel Wilson, Oliver Burra and Cory Kinsett were placed 3rd at the 2020 South Island Secondary School Tennis Championships.

CBHS Swimming Sports  (see attached) for the results

CBHS Sports Day and Sporting Achievements (attached documents)

Three school records were broken on athletics day, all in high jump

Eli Leifi broke the Senior High Jump record - 1.96m (1.95m set in 2003)

Levi Murdoch broke the Junior High Jump record - 1.81m (1.75m in 2005)

James Moore broke the U14 High Jump record - 1.79m (1.68m in 2008)