Hero photograph
Photo by Robyn Rodgers

Message from the Headmaster

Nic Hill —

This past term has been a very positive one and I am very appreciative of the efforts of the boys, staff and our wider community. I am very proud to be associated with Christchurch Boys' High School and the growing understanding of the value of inclusion and care among our boys is one of the special things that I do love about school.

Steve Fraser will be the Acting Headmaster of Christchurch Boys' High School in Term Three of 2019 as I will be on sabbatical leave. I will miss school and I am also excited for Steve and the rest of the Senior Leadership Team as they continue to build on our school culture. Jo Pearson who is currently the teacher in charge of the Library and who leads eLearning will join the Leadership Team for Term Three.

During my sabbatical I will be attending a course at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and interviewing and shadowing leaders from education, sport and business to learn about building culture in organisations.

The school’s 2019 ERO review has been confirmed. This positive review states that Christchurch Boys' High School is well placed to achieve valued outcomes for students. The report summarises the school’s key strengths as :

· promoting a positive and inclusive school culture that builds a sense of belonging for students

· maintaining the school’s valued traditions alongside innovation for meeting the learning and wellbeing needs, and the aspirations of students

· using feedback effectively in a range of areas to inform decision making and future improvements.

The review makes positive comments about the school’s culture having the needs and aspirations of students at its heart, and an environment that is conducive to student learning and wellbeing, through on-going reinforcement of clear and consistent expectations. It also identifies meaningful and positive relationships between students and teachers and an overall culture of respect and empathy.

ERO have identified the next steps for the school as :

· extending and embedding the use of data management practices to ensure clarity about patterns of overall progress and achievement of Years 9 and 10 students

· adapting the curriculum to ensure that it better supports the learning pathways and aspirations of students who choose alternative options beyond their time at school.

The Board of Trustees, staff, boys and other community members do deserve congratulations on this report.

Click here for the full ERO review.

Thank you to Board of Trustees Members John Osborne, Hugh Dacre, Lillias Brown, Mark Walls and David Caldwell for their service to the school over the last three years. Board members make a significant personal commitment to the success of the school and the recent ERO review reflects this commitment.

Following the recent parent and staff trustees elections the new Board of Trustees has met once already and comprises Leeann Watson (Chair), Mike Medlicott (Co-Deputy Chair), Andrew Haig (Co-Deputy Chair), Tim Cookson, Mark Zino, Nigel Vernon (Staff Trustee), Ben Clarke (Student Trustee), Michael Singleton (Co-opted Trustee) and Nic Hill (Headmaster).

Thank you also to those parents and staff who stood in the elections and to the wider community for the high participation rate in the elections. The community’s engagement with school is an advantage to the school and this is a strategic priority.

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