Hero photograph
Photo by Robyn Rodgers

Springbok Tour - Year 11 History

Andrew Cooper —

Year 11 History is currently studying Apartheid in South Africa, with a focus on the 1981 Springbok Tour Protests as a significant event in New Zealand history.

On Thursday we were visited by John Minto, who was the Chairman of the protest group HART (Halt All Racist Tours) when the Springboks visited in 1981. John Minto answered questions about the horrors of Apartheid and shared how he was inspired by great South African leaders, such as Nelson Mandela and Steve Biko. He also told exciting stories about the running street battles fought across the country, and confronting the Red Squad during New Zealand's "8 week civil war". Our thanks go out to John for his continuing contributions to social justice, and for giving up his time to educate our students about this significant moment in New Zealand history.

Mike Drury / Andrew Cooper