Hero photograph
24-7 Youth Workers on board again for 2016. Matt Meek and Perry Vakameilalo.

Introducing your 24-7 Youth Workers

Matt Meek —

Matt Meek and Perry Vakameilalo are our two fantastic youth workers at CBHS under the 24-7 youth work scheme.

The 24-7 scheme sees youth workers partnering with over 60 schools around New Zealand and numbers are growing. Matt and Perry work to build relationships that will support and encourage students, cultivate school spirit, develop leadership and integrate students into wider community activities. 24-7 youth work is about being present with young people walking alongside them as they navigate what can be a pretty tricky world for a teenager.

We believe in young people. We want to see young people enjoy their high school years and build a great foundation to launch themselves into adult life. We want to see a good strong healthy next generation of New Zealanders coming through. Young people need more time spent with them. They need more listening, more encouraging and more “hanging in there”. More people who can be there for them. It requires an approach based on relationships not programmes. It encompasses role modelling, being accessible to young people and being around to help young people make good choices.

As youth workers we get involved in a lot of activities around school, as well as running youth activities and programmes outside of school for those who are interested. If you think your son could really benefit from something that we offer, we welcome you to get in touch with us and we can try and make a special effort to connect with them. You can contact me via email meekm@staff.cbhs.school.nz.

We look forward to getting to know some of you and your boys over the next few years.

Matt & Perry