Robyn Rodgers — Nov 21, 2019

It’s been about 88 years since Geoffrey Gray first ate lunch at Christchurch Boys’ High – now the 101-year-old has travelled from Brisbane to enjoy another spread at the school.

The CBHS annual old boys luncheon was held in the new school hall recently, and Mr Gray caught a flight across the Tasman with his daughter and carer to mark the occasion.

The fundraiser is held each year for ex-students who started at the school 60 years ago or more, and old boys committee treasurer Trevor Hayes said the event was a “huge success.”

It raised $3600 to support students’ mental health, and $1250 for the school’s PTA.

Mr Hayes said Mr Gray was one of the first to accept the invitation when they were sent out last month.

“[Mr Gray] sat at the top table with other 90-year-olds, headmaster Nic Hill, guest speaker Anton Matthews, head monitor Fergus Kilpatrick, and MC Terry Donaldson,” Mr Hayes said.

The committee set an initiallimit of 150 attendees. Within a week this was extended to 170 when invites closed and a waiting list was established.

Guest speaker Mr Matthews owns the Fush fish and chip shop in Wigram, and is well known for his passionate talks about te reo Maori. He is also a former student and teacher of CBHS.

“His [Mr Matthews] talk was about te reo and the benefits to New Zealanders to learn as much as we can of the Maori language for the future benefit of our children and grandchildren,” Mr Hayes said.

Before the luncheon began, the past pupils were invited to walk around the corridors and main block of the school and reminisce about their time at CBHS.

They were also given a tour of the school grounds, including the reconstructed Deans buildings, the work being done to restore the former Caddick and Caldwell blocks, the Big Room and the classroom block along Te Kura St.

“We are not sure whether [Mr Gray] will return next year but welcome other old boys to reunite with their old school,” Mr Hayes said.