Alex Johnson - Student Media Team — May 12, 2017

On Friday, the 12th of May, Jake Bailey held his book launch, “What Cancer Taught Me”, in the Big Room at Christchurch Boys’ High School. 

The Big Room was filled with invited guests whom were friends, family, doctors and nurses chosen by Jake, who he wanted to thank for everything that they had done for him. The book, “What Cancer Taught Me” follows Jake Bailey in his remarkably honest account of his illness, treatment and recovery. Jake shares all that the experience has taught him.

The event kicked off at 5:30pm with Mr Fraser (Senior Master) welcoming everyone that had come along to the book launch. Mr Fraser talked about Jake and how he had a big impact on the school during his time at Boys’ High as a Head Boy “He carried out his role both as a role model and with genuine care for his peers and those to follow”.

Michael Flatman is the CEO of the Maia Health Foundation, who was asked to speak at the launch by Jake. The Maia Foundation is a charitable foundation which supports the Christchurch Health Board, of whom Jake is an ambassador for. Michael met Jake over 12 months ago and introduced Jake to the idea of the Maia Foundation and Jake was quick to help out. Michael was lucky enough to have read the book prior to the book launch “the book does really give the reader a real glimpse of Jake’s journey, with the raw honesty with what has been written and it is extremely compelling”. He went on to further comment “it is truly a wonderful book and a real inspiration for me”.

“At Penguin Random House we published around 60-65 books each year, but every year there are one or two books that we particularly stand out and their ability to impact readers on their lives, and this book is definitely one” the Publisher of Jake’s book Debra Millar added on Friday. Debra said the book is for a vast audience which will impact everyone in different ways. She also talked about how swiftly the book came together.

“Tonight, each and every one of you is here for you, and it isn’t for the launch of my book, it’s because I owe you all a massive thank you”. Jake Bailey wanted to thank everyone for everything that they had done for him throughout his journey. “I owe everyone in this room a debt of gratitude that I will never be able to repay”. 

After all the speeches, everyone started to mingle whilst Jake signed books and took photos with the guests. The whole night was filled with love and support for Jake, everyone was happy to be there for Jake and his ongoing recovery and future life journey.

The book “What Cancer Taught Me” is available in the school’s library.

Buy Jakes book “What Cancer Taught Me” online or through the School Office.