Message from the Headmaster
2019 has started very well. I am delighted with the boys good humour around school. A great litmus test of a school is whether you are greeted during the day and our boys do this well.
Our provisional 2018 NCEA results are again very strong. At every level of NCEA the school pass rate is above the national average and the decile 8 - 10 boys average. Endorsement rates have improved and remain a focus.
The very clear feedback that school and Board recently received from our Whanau group about NCEA results was that the most important factor is the individual relationships between the boys and our teachers, and this will continue to be our emphasis as we strive to continue our strong academic results and our development of fine young men.
For those new to the school community you will hear language about being a good as opposed to a real man. We are focused on supporting the boys to be decent and caring and it is a positive reflection on our community how our boys take this message up. I was thrilled when a Year 13 student approached me about wanting to speak to the boys in assembly about mental health and the importance of looking out for each other.
I have included in this message a Facebook post that I received in the holidays and that I shared with the Year 9 parents last week. It is about making sure our focus as parents is correct. I certainly want my son and daughter when they are at school to be looking out for the welfare of the others in their class.
I am delighted with the work that the staff last year put into developing the 2019 Annual Plan (which is also included with this article). The annual plan prioritises staff working alongside students and has led to a re-organisation of the budget and increased staffing, so that staff can support students and also respond to our concerns about declining literacy rates. We are unable to wait for the government to catch up with what our students need. The Board's adoption of this plan reflects their desire to be ambitious for the boys.
At the start of the year we have been reinforcing messages around uniform, language and litter and we do appreciate your support in making sure the boys are coming to school correctly dressed and ready to start at 8:45 am.
I do look forward to meeting more of the parent community. I do enjoy your sons' company!
Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei
Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain
Altiora Peto