Hero photograph

From the Headmaster

Nic Hill —

He waka eka noa - One canoe which we are all in without exception

Thank you to the School community for your support and generosity over the past 12 months. There have been several successes and challenges and they have highlighted the importance of community and the sense of belonging to something bigger than oneself. I have enjoyed conversations with leavers who have spoken to me about their passion for their mates and for CBHS. I have also spoken with them about the future and the imperative of making sure that their school days are not the best days of their lives and that they continue to embrace life and the opportunities ahead.

Looking forward to 2019 the Board of Trustees have approved an annual plan that includes a significant investment in additional teachers and teacher aides. The Board has not waited for the government to act and has made a strategic commitment of funds that prioritises the learning and wellbeing of students as well as the workloads of staff. The Board have also responded to concerns around literacy and made this a focus for our teaching in 2019.

Education has recently dominated the media headlines. The poaching of rugby players by an independent school does align with the concerns raised by the independent task force who reviewed Tomorrow’s Schools. The Board will engage with this report in the new year. The crux of the report is that New Zealand does have a high quality and low equity education system and we all need to do more to address equity issues. Whatever form the final recommendations to government take we all need to consider issues of equity. Christchurch Boys' High School needs to retain its special character – its sense of belonging - and make sure this welcome applies to every member of our community.

As well as farewelling our leavers, including staff who have made a passionate commitment to their students, we look forward to welcoming new students and staff in 2019. The commencement of the Caddick and Caldwell Block construction in April will be a significant moment for the school. The desire of our 2019 student leaders to also focus on inclusiveness, care and mental health also bodes well for our School and our wider community.

I do wish the entire school community a Merry Christmas.

Altiora Peto