Hero photograph

Master Planning Update

John Osborne —

Thank you very much to those members of the community who have submitted their thoughts on the two proposed locations for the new school hall The Board will now, with the help of architectural input from Athfield Architects and Jasmax, consider this feedback in line with the school’s strategic documents and make a decision so that the Hall design and the School master planning can continue.

The community’s feedback has shown a considerable level of interest in moving the Hall to create an open courtyard as well as a strong connection amongst the community to the current position and its links with the front entrance, stairs and memorial doors. There will be a variety of factors that influence the Board’s decision, and the process has been a worthwhile one as the Board seek to build the best school possible without further unnecessary delays. With a school such as ours, heritage and memorial concerns will be prevalent and the Board is committed to respecting these important aspects of our school through thorough process and ensuring the school meets the future needs of its students.

Plans are underway to bring more temporary classrooms onto the school site so that we can progress with demolishing existing teaching spaces to make way for a new library and classrooms.

The Board has approved the completion of detailed design for the Deans buildings. These were some of the first farm buildings in Canterbury and the school is obligated to repair them. The buildings are an important part of Canterbury and School’s heritage and the plan is to build an Old Boys Hub which will include a museum and archives and a PTA Hub with a uniform shop and meeting space. We will be seeking community and heritage support for this project.

The Earthquake repairs to the World War One Memorial Shrine are due to be completed a week before the ANZAC service. The service will begin with a rededication of the Shrine and a small service to consecrate the ground that the Shrine stands on will be held on April 14.

The Board and Headmaster remain open to feedback and questions about the master planning and rebuild of the school.