Hero photograph
Boys working hard in the Learning Support room
Photo by Alix McConnochie

A Message from the Learning Support Team

Alix McConnochie —

An update from the Learning Support team. Laurel Blee, Lynne Lochhead, Arafah Simpson, Chrissie Yee and Alix McConnochie.

The Learning Support Team welcome you to 2016 and feel we are off to a good start with teacher aides in the classrooms straight away. It was great to see so many parents at the Year 10 parents evening, eager to help their son's learning. 

I am conducting Year 11 parent and son interviews from Monday 22nd February after school to Friday 26 February. I am holding these because last year I found them invaluable. It is so important for us all to be on the same page working for the welfare of your son. I will do the same with Years 12 and 13 also, very soon.

At the moment we are busy applying to NZQA for Special Assessment Conditions (SAC). This year we have done a lot of in-school based testing which has proven to be very costly in time but hopefully we will be successful in getting all our students reader/writer/extra time/ computer etc.

Please note, the dates these applications have to be into NZQA close off on the 15th March, so unless something medical happens I will not be able to apply for access after this date. 

I urge you to please be in touch with me if you suspect your son is not performing the way he should be, even if it is just to have a chat. The sooner we are alerted to a student, the sooner we can start work. Sometimes there are really easy fixes, sometimes not.

Warm regards

Alix McConnochie
Head of Learning Support