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Christchurch Boys' High School

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Update from CBHS 17 March 2020

Nic Hill - March 17, 2020

The boys and staff have been superb in leading a calm, positive and considerate response to the Covid 19 situation.

I continue to appreciate the continued good spirit around school. The boys are asking whether school will be closed and the answer continues to be 'school as normal'.

There is of course a new normal following the Prime Minister's announcement yesterday and, for example, today only Y13 attended assembly in the Hall and it was recorded and live streamed for other year levels. 

Year 9 camps and other field trips and actvities have continued where possible and we have very much appreciated the strong level of guidance that we have had from the Minsitry of Education to enable to maintain these activities safely. It has been unfortunate that other events have not been able to take place, however, the boys have been generous in their understanding of the need to make sacrifices for the overriding welfare of the wider community. 

We have surveyed the boys to gauge both our, and their, preparedness for online learning at home, and if required,  we can implement this in a fashion that recognises that there may be other priorities than school work. 

The key messages for the boys and the community continue to be:

1. Take information and advice from official sources. Those sources are the Ministries of Health and Education and they are the sources guiding the school's actions.  Here is the link to the Ministry of Health.

2. The Ministry of Health has guidelines for self-isolation. These recommend that you take care of both physical and mental health.

 3. Look after each other. Community members will be facing a range of difficulties from the disappointment of having events such as Polyfest and Maadi Cup called off to uncertainty about finances. Empathy and care need to be our drivers.

4. Wash your hands. 

5. Stay at home if you are unwell.

We will continue to keep you updated and informed as we receive guidance and apply that to our operations at school, for example national sporting comeptitions have been suspended (NZ Secondary School Sports Council) and decisions have yet to be made about local events and competitions. 

Altiora Peto

Nic Hill
