Hero photograph
CBHS Uniform
Photo by Matt Parr

Uniform Standards

Dave Bone —

School pride is one of the strengths of Christchurch Boys’ High School. The sense of belonging and wider family that it creates is something that most boys mention. 

However, our uniform is not always up to scratch. This year we are pushing for all students to wear their uniform well and with pride.

Our first few days saw an awesome start to the year. Uniform was worn well, looked smart and clean. We would like this to continue and would like your assistance. Please make sure that your son is dressed in correct uniform and that he wears it tidily. Pictures above show examples of how to wear the uniform. Thanks to the modelling efforts of Louie Chapman, Toby Horn and Max Hammond.

Monitors and a Senior Master will be on gate duty in the mornings, and Kaitiaki will check uniform each morning at the start of the day.

If your son does not have the correct uniform for any reason he will need to report to his Dean or Mr Bone to get a uniform pass.

We look forward to your support and maintaining the high standards of CBHS.