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Invitation to Connect

Nic Hill —

As I reflect on events from 2017 and discuss education with my principal colleagues from across the country, it’s very clear that there a number of challenging issues our boys are facing right now. 

Some examples:

a) The ease of access to pornography (The average age that a NZ child is first exposed to pornography is 10 years old!)

b) The manufacture and sharing of explicit images by adolescents

c) The discussion around the legalisation of marijuana which for some teens may be seen as a legitimisation of its use despite the risks they specifically face from drug use, especially if that marijuana is laced with P

d) The permanence and harm of potential throw away comments on social media

Principals across the Canterbury region are collaborating on these issues and accessing expert advice. As a school we are investigating how to elevate the development of self-esteem and resilience in our curriculum. We are also conscious that parents are looking for guidance – I am one of those parents!

I do remember some great parenting advice about how it is actually a matter of muddling through issues and that the parents who end up with challenges are the ones who are either too strict or too passive.

The school doesn’t have all the answers. We are though willing to listen, help, and collaborate with parents and the wider community. I am passionate about this and welcome you touching base with me or our guidance staff if you are concerned.

Nic Hill
