Nic Hill (Headmaster) — Dec 13, 2023

Honour the school that keeps the rule

Farewell Mr Fraser and Merry Christmas to all.

At Junior prizegiving on Tuesday morning retiring Deputy Principal Steve Fraser addressed the boys. Steve gave his full pepeha and spoke with pride about where he stands and his love for the students and staff of CBHS. He talked with the boys about being good and honourable people, showing pride in the success of their mates and displaying courage for the benefit of others. Steve’s contribution to CBHS was recognised by a school haka which was a fitting way to honour Steve’s legacy. Steve has been an unsung hero of CBHS for 22 years. The chorus of our school song includes the line “honour the school that keeps the rule” and Steve’s final address reminded us of the commitment, bravery, honour and service that CBHS stands for.

Mr Steve Fraser - Speaking to staff for the final time — Image by: Nigel Vernon

Junior prizegiving was a warm and positive event. Congratulations to the prize winners for the work ethic they have displayed. The music from the Year 9 Rock Band and Junior Jazz band was stunning and it was a great opportunity to talk with the boys about our legacy of support for others. The challenge given to the boys by Michael Singleton and Emily Flaszynki from the Board of Trustees was to continue to shape the school through caring for others.

My own prize giving reflections to the boys were about the pride I have in seeing boys warmly interacting with each other both inside and outside of school and the way they greet people around school. A recent overseas visitor to New Zealand, a Grand Parent of one of our boys, recently told me that his only negative about his time in New Zealand was how rarely people had greeted him and his wife while they were here. It is very easy for us to extend warmth to others and greeting strangers is just one way we can show five seconds of courage.

2024 will be an exciting year for CBHS and I look forward to seeing the boys after their holidays.

Merry Christmas to all.

Te Kura Kahurangi

Altiora Peto

Nic Hill