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by Danielle Marston

Pūrākau resources are going to print!

East Hub - April 14, 2022

After listening to all of your valuable feedback we heard that teachers wanted hard copies of the pūrākau resources that have been created so far. Therefore, a survey went out and within days we had a response from every school within the Kāhui telling us how many hard copies of these resources (see pictures below) they wanted.

As you can see there is a brand new resource that has not yet been introduced. Tū Te Rakiwhānoa includes the kaupapa of birds, trees, nature and thanking people. These kaupapa have been chosen for their connections to themes found in this important story.

An important part of tikanga Māori is to thank people in the right way. After someone has done a job, performance, speech. Josh has created an easy to use flip book, these will also be coming, as a hard copy to schools soon.

We hope these kaupapa support your teaching in the class, as well as growing your own knowledge and confidence in Te Ao Māori.

Karawhiua Give it heaps!