Hero photograph
Local olives at full ripeness

Starting an Olive Grove?

COOG 2022 —

Here are the local Central Otago tips and tricks for getting started - tree types, planting, and pruning.

Tree Types

Suggested hardy varieties include Frantoio, Leccino, Picual, and Picholine. Pendolino is a good pollinator.

Our members also have Manzanillo, Barnea, Verdale, and Nabali

You can source trees from:


Waimea Nurseries - https://www.waimeanurseries.co.nz/our-products/fruit-trees/olives/

How best to plan and plant

Spacing is important when planning an Olive Grove. If you plan to harvest olives ensure the trees are planted 5 meters apart.

The best time to plant is in Spring or early Summer. Ensure young trees are well staked, plant with a little tree fertilizer, and irrigation to each tree using two drippers.

You want to be able to get access to the trees to harvest all around the tree with clear ground underneath.

Trees tend to hibernate over winter and will activate when temperatures are an average of 15 degrees Celsius, mixed, vegetative, and flowering shoots will explode in November and then flower in December.

Olive trees are pollinated by the wind, not by bees, birds or insects. Some are self-fertile and others need to cross-pollinate. Pendolino can be planted on the windward side of the grove, 1 to about 25-30 trees to act as a pollinator.

Olive fruit will form on the second year growth in January, once the fruit have formed and the kernel or stone has hardened the olive will begin developing oil content.

The fruit grows and ripens through until May or June. They will need to be harvested before any big frosts. They are quite frost tolerant and will cope with minus 2-4 degrees celsius. Frost damage will spoil oil pressing if the fruit is badly effected by frost.

Most local growers harvest in May and the start of June weather depending (150-180 days after fruit set). Olives generally need 180-200 days on the tree to fully ripen.

All olives ripen from green to yellow to black. The perfect mix is a third of each colour to the olive press but as our region has a shorter growing season our Central Otago Olive Oil is typified by beautiful green hue and spicy peppery after-tastes.

Olives are best pressed within 48 hours of harvest, and the fresher the better. Olives cannot be stored for extended time prior to pressing.

When and How to prune

Olive trees will tolerate pruning at any time. Recommended is in spring prior to the first signs of growth. In our region trees will begin growing at the end of October or start of November.

Summer pruning can be used to thin excessive growth of water sprouts and suckers.

Some growers prune after harvest in the winter months. There seem to be very few (if any) pests or diseases that badly effect Olive trees in our region.

Central Otago Olive Growers - We are a group of sociable, passionate and supportive individuals with one thing in common: OLIVES!