Trapshooting Team Wins Intercollegiate Shoot
It has been twelve years since CSC has won the Jenkinson Cup for the Top Point Score.
Team members Hannah West, Ian Hudson, George Tolentino, Jack Keith and Seb Lovett took on 12 other schools from across Otago and Southland to come out on top and were rewarded the Jenkinson Cup.
Other results on the day included:
Riley McDonald 2nd in the Junior Single Rise
Dougal Fairbairn 3rd in the Points Score
Hannah West 1st in the Ladies Points Score
Jack Keith 1st in the Single Barrel
Hannah West 3rd in the Single Barrel
Riley McDonald 2nd in the Junior Single Barrel
Hannah West 1st in the High Gun.
Congratulations to all shooters, what a great way to start your season!