Talia Hall — Jul 1, 2022

Talia Hall has been offered the opportunity to travel on a leadership trip to Fiji with the Pacific Future Leaders Academy Team - check out her article!

I have been offered the opportunity to travel on a leadership trip to Fiji with the Pacific Future Leaders Academy Team, with 30 other students from New Zealand, Australia and Fiji. 

The course is designed to develop leadership, teamwork and to learn in depth about different cultures. This will help us to better ourselves as individuals and improve our ability to work with, and lead, a team. 

Before we depart on the 8th of July, we have been requested to find as many pairs of rugby boots from around our community as we can, so  we can contribute to the Fijian school who are kindly hosting us. 

I would be extremely grateful if you had any old pairs of boots (used or new!) to donate to this cause. These will go to students in Fiji who cannot afford them, which is a great way for our community to make a difference. This will mean the world, and could help some children carry out their dream of being able to play rugby. 

Let's help set these young players up for success by donating as many pairs of Rugby Boots as possible! The donated Rugby Boots don't need to be brand new, as long as they are in decent condition - ie, wearable, have laces and preferably no holes!

If you do have any you are willing to donate, please contact Talia Hall (19048@csc.school.nz) or bring them to the school office.

Thankyou for your support - Talia Hall.