Annamaree Rae — Nov 12, 2018

Senior Film Club this year has enjoyed meeting once a week to view films, discuss our favourites and warn each other about films that perhaps didn't quite make the grade!

We have watched a range of films, from New Zealand journalist David Farrier's stunning and shocking documentary 'Tickled', to the beautifully shot 'Annihilation', written and directed by Alex Garland and based on the novel of the same name. Older films we watched and enjoyed included Alfred Hitchcock's classic 'Psycho', considered to be the first modern horror film, and the cult film 'Donnie Darko', which was both confusing and compelling! Senior Film Club is an opportunity for all film lovers aged 16 and over to come together and share their love of film. New members are always welcome!

Ms Annamaree Rae (TIC Media Studies)