CGHS — Jun 21, 2020

‘Performance Sport Programme - PSP’ Linking curricular and extra-curricular interests

The Performance Sport Programme at CGHS is designed to assist with the development of high achieving athletes at CGHS.

Students learn a broad range of topics. Students will be able to design a ‘personalised learning programme’ in which they can select approximately 14-20 NCEA credits from a range of approved Achievement Standards from physical education at their specified level of learning. Learning contexts will be specific to their sporting context and interests.

Example of Subjects / items covered in the Performance Sport Programme may include:

Possible Assessment – Level 2:

Demonstrate understanding of how and why biophysical principles relate to the learning of physical skills. (AS91328, 2.2, 5 credits)

Demonstrate understanding of the application of biophysical principles to training for physical activity. (AS91329, 2.3, 4 credits)

Perform a physical activity in an applied setting. (AS91330, 2.4, 4 credits)

Consistently demonstrate social responsibility through applying a social responsibility model in physical activity. (AS91334, 2.8, 3 credits)

Possible Assessment – Level 3:

Analyse a physical skill performed by self or others. (AS91499, 3.2, 3 credits)

Evaluate the effectiveness of a performance improvement programme. (AS91500, 3.3, 4 credits)

Demonstrate quality performance of a physical activity in an applied setting. (AS91501 3.4,4 credits)

Devise strategies for a physical activity outcome. (AS91789, 3.9, 4 credits)

Performance Sport Programme - Selection Guidelines:

Students in Year 12 and 13 are eligible to apply for the Performance Sport Programme. Application is by a short cover letter and possible meeting with the HOD.

Please note: It is expected that the student would be playing at least one sport for Christchurch Girls’ High School. Students who are considered not suitable for PSP will be placed into PED.

Please be aware that this course may have associated costs. By selecting this course you will be requested to make contributions connected to its delivery.

For more information please see Mr Bilsbury.