Alastair Blyth — Feb 10, 2022

Each year hundreds of students from around New Zealand and from other countries enrol in the first-year Microeconomics and Macroeconomics courses at the University of Canterbury (UC).

For three of the past five years, students who completed the Economics programme at Christchurch Girls' High School / Te Kura o Hine Waiora have won the Madam Tiong Guok Hua Memorial Prize. This is a prestigious award of $3000 for being the top first year Economics student at UC. They were Shayna Black in 2016, Sophie Marris in 2018 and Sarah Bates in 2020. 

Shayna Black (2015) — Image by: CGHS Publication
Sophie Marris (2017) — Image by: CGHS Publication

Sarah Bates (2019) — Image by: CGHS Publication

Two other students were first in their Microeconomics courses, Charlotte Partington in 2020 and Courtney Comley in 2021. Sarah Bates also won the Archibald Charles Callaway Prize in Economics in 2021 for being the best second year Economics student at UC. She was also first in the second year Intermediate Microeconomics – Firms and Markets course in 2021.

Charlotte Partington (2019) — Image by: CGHS Publication
Courtney Comley (2020) — Image by: CGHS Publication

Congratulations to all the students above and to the staff involved for this unparalleled run of outstanding successes and for preparing these young women for their journeys towards the boardrooms of the future.