CGHS — Jun 21, 2020

Qualification: NCEA Level 1

Entry requirements: Open Entry


Health studies is about the complex interconnections between the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of people’s lives. Hauora is the foundation concept in Health studies. Ākonga learn about how actions can enhance hauora, and explore ways to manage change situations that impact health and wellbeing, and that hauora is more than a matter of personal choice and individual responsibility. In this subject, ākonga develop understanding of current issues related to health, and learn how a range of factors influence wellbeing. This learning can help ākonga understand what contributes to healthy relationships, and develop strategies to strengthen their sense of identity and self-worth. Contexts include Mental Health (including drugs and alcohol), Relationships and Sexuality, and Decision Making. Ākonga learn foundational knowledge and skills that can lead to diverse future pathways, including becoming a teacher, and working or studying in the health, community services, government and science sectors. 

(Note: as the standards taught are the same as in Food and Nutrition, students must choose between Health studies and Food and Nutrition in Year 11).

Field Trips: NA

Course Costs: Workbook

Where does it lead?

This course in leads to Year 12 and Year 13 Health courses. Health related jobs are in high demand both locally and internationally. Learning in senior Health Education provides a strong foundation for pathways into the social and health sciences (education, psychology, sociology, philosophy, politics, law, economics, medicine, health, justice, and social services). Many tertiary courses exist that are based around non-medical health studies.

For further information see Mrs Richards

Learning in Health Education can lead to the following careers:

Medical Sector - Doctor, Physiotherapist, Nurse, Midwife, Dentist, Dietitian, Psychologists, Massage Therapist.

Education Sector - Teaching, Nanny/Childcare, Counsellor, Youth Worker, Outdoor Education Instructor.

Health Promotion Sector - Health Services, Social Work, Community Work.

Fitness Industry - Coach, Official, Trainer, Fitness Instructor, Events Manager, Recreation Coordinator.

Protective Services - Police, Army, Navy, Air Force, Firefighters, Corrections, Customs.