CGHS PTA Secondhand Uniform Shop
The uniform shop is open from 12pm – 1.30pm for both sales and receiving. EFTPOS is available. See link below for PTA shop dates.
The PTA administers the secondhand uniform shop as a service to families and as a fundraising venture for the benefit of the school with the PTA taking 30% of sales. Dates of the uniform shop for selling and receiving are outlined above and will be advertised on the CGHS PTA Facebook page, on the school newsletter and website.
If you would like to sell your uniform, please ensure blazers and kilts are dry-cleaned and that all other items are clean and in good condition.
Please then print the CGHS PTA Secondhand Sale Instructions form below and follow the instructions.
Thank you.
Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Anna 021 712 173 or