Hero photograph
Peer Tutoring - available on the Study Buddy website.
Photo by CGHS Publication

Peer Tutoring - Available Before During And After Lockdown

Cass Hetherington, Academic Prefect —

Peer tutoring is a key academic area at CGHS. It is a great way for students to get the academic support that they need while giving others a leadership opportunity and a way to give back to the school community through teaching others.

While in lockdown we recognised an ongoing need for academic support, so we continued to promote tutoring, offering an online option over the lockdown period. This opportunity was taken up by some students and the feedback received was that it was a good option, though nothing can replace traditional tutoring. 

Some former students got in touch and offered to help tutor senior students for NCEA. This was an opportunity that we promoted and was well received. We developed a tutoring tips and hints sheet to put on the Study Buddy website for tutors to refer to if they needed some guidance. This contained both face to face and online tips to adapt to the changing environment. 

The peer tutoring programme will continue to run throughout the year, and we intend to meet with tutors when conditions permit to check up on how everything is going.