Hero photograph
Winners of the CGHS Senior Speech Competition
Photo by Katrina Dyne, English HOLA

Senior Speech Competition 2019

Katrina Dyne —

This year's Senior Speech Competition involved a line-up of seven talented speakers who covered a range of topics from spoken word poems linked to animal rights and the concept of 'think small', to heartfelt speeches based on forced marriages, foster care and human trafficking, to humorous addresses linked to the Twilight series and climate change.

The seven finalists entertained, challenged and inspired the audience over the course of the competition.

Bella Thornton and Mathilde Walbom placed second equal. Harriet Murray gained first place with her spoken word poem 'Think small!'

These three students have all received tickets to the Women of Influence Speaker Series breakfast which will take place at the Christchurch Town Hall later this month.

Well done ladies! You are amazing!