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by Laura-Jean Peawini

Te Reo Māori

CGHS PUBLICATIONS - August 4, 2024

The study of Te Reo Māori develops understanding about Māori culture for all students, while enabling Māori ākonga to appreciate more fully their own cultural identity and language. We learn by using a variety of interactive strategies that develop the skills for reading, writing, speaking and listening to, te reo Māori.

Ākonga will focus on learning the language and also study the stories, history and culture of the tangata whenua of Aotearoa. We start the year with basic introductions and simple sentences that ākonga can use in everyday situations. If ākonga have prior knowledge, then we will support them to expand and develop their language skills. The course does not require any previous knowledge and is open to all students.

Ko te reo tōku ahurei.

We aim to teach students:

  • to understand and communicate in te reo Māori

  • to read and write in te reo Māori

  • to display understanding of tīkanga Māori

The following topics may be covered:

  • Ko mātou ko tōku whānau - me and my family

  • Kei roto i te akomanga - in the classroom

  • Kei te kāinga - at home

  • Kei te marae - at the marae

  • Ko ngā kōrero o nehe - stories of the past.

Course Costs

Please be aware that this course has associated costs. By selecting this course you will be requested to make contributions connected to its delivery. There are also stationery costs associated with this course.