CGHS — Jul 27, 2022

Qualification: NCEA Level 2

Entry requirements: 2 Years' study of French or on application to the HOD.

Content/Skills: This course is taught by means of an interactive text, video, film, authentic articles and a range of on-line activities. It covers a range of topics depending on the interests of the group such as leisure and fashion, advertising and the media, French films and music, teenage life and the role of technology, the French-speaking world. The study of French develops qualities of tolerance and cultural sensitivity while enabling students to appreciate more fully their own cultural identity and their own language. The focus is on practical communicative skills in authentic situations as well as cultural background. All language skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking are developed. 

Through our special relationship with our partner school in Strasbourg, individual exchanges are possible, and a school trip to France has traditionally been organised every second year. There are also opportunities for immersion scholarships through the Ministry of Education.

In addition to developing a lifelong ability to communicate with people from other countries and backgrounds, other benefits (to language learning) include improved overall school performance and superior problem-solving skills. (Bamford & Mizokawa 1991; Hakuta 1986.)

Field Trips: Canterbury University Immersion Day, Cultural trips (Maison de Crêpes), French Film Festival

Strasbourg Exchange — Image by: Michelle Pinkney

Please be aware that this course has associated costs. By selecting this course you will be requested to make contributions connected to its delivery. These costs are: a subscription to the online text book ($15).

Assessment: 4 Achievement Standards at Level 2 -19 Credits.

2 Internal Achievement Standards: a spoken presentation (4 credits) and a written portfolio (5 credits).

2 External Achievement Standards:listening comprehension (5 credits), reading comprehension (5 credits).

For further information see Mrs Pinkney.