CGHS — Jun 21, 2020

Qualification: NCEA Level 2 - the course is eligible for course endorsement and three standards contribute towards literacy (see FAQs).

Entry requirements: None, but it is advisable to have good literacy skills before you start.


a) Exam course: Towards Modernism looks at the way history, from the French Revolution to 1900 in Western Europe, has influenced art. So maybe you can explain why van Gogh used so much yellow and how the invention of the camera changed art forever.

Click HERE for a list of the artists & buildings we study.


b) Internals-only: ākonga can gain up to 16 credits doing internals only if they prefer. This allows you to focus on topics that particularly interest you eg Māori Art, Pasifika Art, Banksy.... One of the internal standard gives you Reading credits.

Field Trips: to art galleries where possible.

Please be aware that the exam course has associated costs. By selecting this course you will be requested to make contributions connected to its delivery. These costs are $60.00 for workbooks which are highly recommended and can be be purchased from the school office.


4 Internal Achievement Standards worth 16 credits

3 External Achievement Standards worth 12 credits

This course offers 4 UE Reading and 8 UE Writing credits. (see FAQS)

Where does it lead? NCEA Level 3..... and then the world...

short article: "medical students benefit from studying visual art"

and another one: "Why Med Schools Are Requiring Art Classes"

For further information see or email Ms Dixon (DXS) or click below on

Frequently Asked Questions 

See the short video below to find out why police and medical people should all study art.