Cecelia JardineKing — Dec 4, 2018

"A Night at the Oscars" was the theme for this year's leavers' formal.

This glamorous occasion was help at Wigram Air Force Museum on Monday 3 December. The evening went off without a hitch and all the girls looked resplendent in their gowns. This ball was organised by Ms Otway and her committee comprising  Stassi Naylor, Tessa Sheilds, Louisa Ou Yang, Isabella Simons, Leah Shaw, Natasha Fuij, Annabelle Lill, Rosanna Gibb, Hannah Farquahar, Molly Swift, Erika Ferry, Vanessa Mannix and Olivia Mooar. The ticket was designed by Olivia Mooar. Table decorations were done by Tessa Shields.