PhotoLife — Nov 27, 2021

This year the Jazz Band was taken by Vince Leahy every Friday morning at 7:20 am.

 The group throughout the year learnt a number of pieces such as Buckjump by John Wasson, Footloose by John Berry, Perdido by Mark Taylor, Summertime by Micheal Sweeny and Sway also by Mark Taylor. Although 2021 still presented challenges when it came to performing due to covid the group were very fortunate enough to still get to have a couple of performances. The first is the music concert that was held at school at the end of term 1. This was a great chance for the Jazz Band to show off the new music they had been learning while also preparing for the JazzQuest competition in Term 2. The next performance chance was the JazzQuest competition held annually at Ara’s Jazz School. This year it was held on 31st July-1st August The group came away from this competition with a bronze award. Finally the last performance was when the Jazz Band got the chance to perform footloose on the CGHS Orchestra tour around the intermediate schools. This was a fun last performance watching all the pupils and teachers enjoy dancing along to footloose and really getting that level of engagement. Although it hasn’t been the best year the Jazz Band have had some great opportunities and can’t wait for more to come in 2022.