Hero photograph
Year 13 Biology Field Trip to Wainui 2019
Photo by CGHS

Year 13 Biology Field Trip 2019

Harriet Murray —

All Year 13 Biology students had the opportunity to venture to the serene seaside of Wainui to carry out practical investigations for their coursework. The secluded rocky shore saw over 100 students flipping rocks and carefully selecting crabs, starfish, and other assorted creatures. Although the morning was spent with buckets in tow and back and forward trecks from the YMCA to the shore, the real work began in the hollowed-out hut with a questionable amount of oxygenated tanks awaiting our newly collected creatures. The tedious logging process is one all students will forever associate with Biology but the laugher, bitter cold and talks of the morsels to be enjoyed in the Little River Cafe made the one night adventure, unlike any other field trip. Many thanks to the students and Biology staff for a great trip in our final year at CGHS.