Hero photograph
Sign Language 2019
Photo by CGHS

Sign Language

Harriet Murray —

The class of 2019 was split into beginner and advanced and saw a great deal of growth and mentorship under the wonderful Victoria Green and organisation of Mrs. Earnshaw. The sense of community forming in these classes was infectious and the lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school became the highlight of the week for many.

The classes are a mixture of all year levels offering a fantastic opportunity for learning and friendship no matter the age. Everyday essentials, greetings, activities, emotions and family became the framework for the learning of New Zealand's third official language. The vibrant and relatively new language has offered girls the confidence to converse in sign with their peers, in the workplace or in public situations. Both the rich deaf culture and deeper meaning of sign is taught, offering all the girls a great deal of understanding and respect for such a large portion of New Zealand society.