Hero photograph
Memorial for Pauline Henderson
Photo by CGHS Publication

Memorial Tree

Cecelia JardineKing —

In memory of Mrs Pauline Grogan-Henderson, who passed away suddenly last year, we held a special tree planting on Wednesday 8 September.

We invited many guests to our kura, including friends and family of Pauline, staff and some students who were close to her, to join us to remember her. Pauline's husband Bill spoke of her passion for life and her love of QR codes. 

Image by: CGHS Publication

The tree, which he had been nurturing at home in a pot, is a beautiful magnolia, just in flower with lovely white buds. We planted it beside the steps of the Performing Arts Centre facing the river. 

Memorial for Pauline Henderson — Image by: CGHS Publication

Bill added a plaque which simply reads "Pauline" with a QR code underneath. The QR code links to a website where people can add messages about the Pauline, which others can view.

Memorial for Pauline Henderson — Image by: CGHS Publication

Following the tree planting we all moved inside to share kai and memories together. Students were encouraged to visit Pauline's tree as they pass by the river and click on the code to both read and add a message.